35 Alternate
Covers to
This Book
In a truly collaborative project, artist and designer enter into a dialogue, reacting and responding to each other. The process is repeated thirty-five times and the resulting cover variations are spiral bound with no clear beginning or ending.
First Edition copies now for sale,
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Artist: Roberto Fassone
Year: 2016
Size: 17,5 x 22 cm
Paper: Munken Pure 240g
Colors: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
Design: Joseph Miceli
Binding: Spiral bound
Pages: 70
First Edition: 35
Second Edition: 35
35 Alternate Covers to This Book was produced on the occasion of the exhibition Making Sense, curated by Guido Bartorelli, Caterina Benvegnù, Stefano Volpato / Palazzo Pretorio, Cittadella (Padova), Italy December 5th 2015 — April 3rd 2016.